inti ferreira has improved its web services. Now customers can place online orders not only for new collections but also for ad-hoc articles available at our warehouse. Our system is safe and professional buyers can login in at retailers zone.
The new collection is on the way and can be orderer either online or at our showrooms as from the beginning of July till September 2018.

inti ferreira will exhibit its new collection at PANORAMA in Berlin:
3-5 July 2018 - Hall 7B Stand 09 - Panorama Fashion Fair Berlin, ExpoCenter City, Eingang Süd/Jafféstraße, 14055 Berlin, GERMANY).
It will be our first time at PANORAMA, so we are very excited and will be looking forward to receiving the visit of our partners and future ones!

inti ferreira will be exhibiting its new collection at INNATEX in Frankfurt-Wallau:
28-30 July 2018 - Stand EG 023 - Messecenter Rhein-Main Stand, Robert-Bosch-Straße 5-7, 65719 Hofheim (Wallau) GERMANY
We welcome retailers, agents and professional buyers to visit our stand and place their orders directly there, while enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the Innatex fair.

inti ferreira will be exhibiting its new collection at MOMAD METROPOLIS in Madrid:
7-9 September 2018 - Stand not yet known - Feria de Madrid, Avenida del Partenón 5, 28042 Madrid, SPAIN
It will be our first time at MOMAD and exhibiting in Madrid, so we are very excited and will be looking forward to receiving the visit of our partners and future ones!

Showroom in The Hague (Netherlands)
From the 7th July until 15th September, inti ferreira will be exhibiting its new chic & Eco collection at the Showroom in The Hague - Netherlands (S.V.P schedule an appointment).
inti ferreira showroom
Annastraat 8
2513AT Den Haag
Tel. +31 (0)70 3452928

A Chic, practical and comfortable collection
Our new collection besides sustainable is also versatile. It can be worn on the tram, as well as in a business meeting or at a cocktail party. Chic, practical and comfortable. Regarding materials, this means the processing of durable textiles that have e.g. UV-protection and are very easy to care for. Simply cool!